

Property developer

As a pro­ject deve­lo­per, our core com­pe­tence lies in the con­s­truc­tion of exclu­sive sin­gle-family homes and pent­hou­ses. Our pro­per­ties become uni­que and high-qua­lity real estate through good plan­ning and our high-qua­lity stan­dards in exe­cu­tion.
As inves­tors, we ensure long-term value enhance­ment and sus­tainable asset growth for our pro­per­ties. Sus­taina­bi­lity and social respon­si­bi­lity are an inte­gral part of our cor­po­rate phi­lo­so­phy and a pri­mary fac­tor in invest­ment decis­i­ons. In this way, we create real estate values to the hig­hest satis­fac­tion of owner-occu­pants and investors.

Real Estate

Whe­ther you want to buy a high-qua­lity pro­perty from our own port­fo­lio or sell your own pro­perty – with us you will be well advi­sed in any case.

Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence in the real estate sec­tor, we know the mar­ket value of a pro­perty. We will work out a stra­tegy for your indi­vi­dual needs regar­ding the tar­get group and the sel­ling or offer price.

Building trade

We have a long expe­ri­ence in the natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal buil­ding trade, both in exclu­sive resi­den­tial buil­dings and large-scale pro­jects. For our pro­jects we demand the hig­hest stan­dards of craft­sman­ship. From our part­ners we demand the utmost care and the best qua­lity of the com­pon­ents used at reasonable pri­ces. In order to meet this high stan­dard, we are con­stantly expan­ding our range of services.


Our gui­ding prin­ci­ple is: “Qua­lity is not mea­su­red by how much the cus­to­mer pays, but by what he gets”! Our many years of expe­ri­ence as a con­s­truc­tion super­vi­sor con­firms this state­ment anew in every pro­ject. Whe­ther you need a detailed plan­ning of the work, or the pro­ject with our part­ners per trade with their exper­tise, exactly here we act as a com­pe­tent bridge.

Our con­s­truc­tion mana­gers will help you with all ques­ti­ons – from the search for a plot of land to the turn­key move-in – and will be at your dis­po­sal throug­hout the entire con­s­truc­tion process.

Real estate financing

Good con­di­ti­ons with banks depend not only on per­so­nal income. These are cer­tainly an important com­po­nent, but even more important is the opti­mal use of the pro­perty. Only those who know the real added value of the pro­perty and can com­mu­ni­cate this cor­rectly to the banks will get the top con­di­ti­ons! This is exactly where our com­pe­tence lies.

Of course, the main points of a con­s­truc­tion or/and real estate finan­cing are the inte­rest rates, but no less important are the indi­vi­dual con­tract con­di­ti­ons that suit you. Our con­s­truc­tion finan­cing spe­cia­lists also take a close look at these.

Our top interest rate

Sta­tus as
Dezem­ber 05, 2023
0 %


190 000 € net loan amount
5 years fixed inte­rest rate
2.03 % effec­tive annual inte­rest rate p.a.
1.93 % fixed bor­ro­wing rate p.a.